Faced with significant erosion on the channel side slopes, HydroTurf® was used as a cost-effective, low-maintenance revetment solution for perimeter channels around a closed landfill at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB).
Nellis AFB, located in southern Nevada, is one of the most advanced combat aviation training facilities in the world. It consists of multiple military schools, more squadrons than any other United States Air Force (USAF) base and is home to every type of aircraft in the USAF. The military population at Nellis numbers more than 40,000. It also hosts one of the largest solar photovoltaic arrays, supplying more than 25% of the power used at the base.
Engineers were challenged with erosion issues in the perimeter channels that surround one of the closed landfills at the AFB. Previously designed with natural compacted subgrade and riprap protection throughout the channel, the channel eroded with riprap being transported by the highflows causing exposed side slopes. HydroTurf® was chosen as the best low-cost, permanent revetment solutions due to performance benefits that will last decades with little maintenance.