
La Moraleja Country Club Upgrades to HydroTurf™

The main advantages of HydroTurf™ are that it looks and feels like natural turf with the strength and performance of a hard armor revetment. Recently, Nicklaus Design Group benefited from these advantages at the La Moraleja Country Club just outside of Madrid, Spain.  They successfully installed HydroTurf™ for two different applications where they have had difficulty establishing and maintaining natural turf.

The first application was to repair a golf cart path that was in the shade with a clay subgrade.

Golf Cart Path – note the color match to the existing fairway on the 1st hole.
Golf Cart Path – note the color match to the existing fairway on the 1st hole.






The second application was on a lake bank where the natural turf died because of the fluctuating water level.

Lake Bank Before
Lake Bank Before







Lake Bank After
Lake Bank After


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